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V jednej publikácii som našiel tento druh podhríba. Publikácia je z Ameriky a fotografie zodpovedajú tejto VAšej.
Violet-gray Bolete
Tylopilus plumbeoviolaceus (Snell & Dick) Sing.
Description: Dry, violet cap with cream pores becoming pinkish, and smooth, violet stalk
Cap: 15/8 – 6´´ (4 – 15 cm) wide; convex, becoming nearly flat; dry, sometimes with bloom, violet, darkening to gray-purple, then brownish. Flesh white, discoloring slightly if at all. Taste very bitter.
Tubes: attached and sunken around stalk; cream, becoming purplish-tan. Pores whitish, becoming pinkish-tan.
Stalk: 31/4 – 43/4´´ (8 – 12 cm) long, 3/8 – 5/8´´ (1 – 1,5 cm) thick; smooth, sometimes faintly webbed at top; mottled dark violet, paler toward base.
Spores: 10 – 13 x 3 – 4 m; elliptical, smooth. Spore print pinkish-brown.
Season: Late June – September
Habitat: On the ground, in deciduous woods and borders near oak, hickory, and aspen.
Range: Quebec to Florida, west to Minnesota and Texas.
Look-alikes: T. alboater is not purplish. T. eximius has scaly-granular stark.
Comments: This beautiful mushrooms is, unfortunately, too bitter to eat.
Poznámka: Podľa fotografií v tejto publikácii sa T. alboater a T. eximius výrazne odlišujú
Publikácia: The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms
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