užovka hladká
Coronella austriaca
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![Peter Filipovič <span class="badge">pokročilý</span> portret](https://www.nahuby.sk/images/users/peter_filipovic_3059.jpg?rnd_cache=1)
vyzera ako huba užovky ![](/images/design/smile1.gif)
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![Andrej Alena <span class="badge">atlasár</span> portret](https://www.nahuby.sk/images/users/andrej_alena_4820.jpg?rnd_cache=1)
Tomáš, táto huba je ľahko identifikovateľná ![](/images/design/smile2.gif)
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![Tomas Figura <span class="badge">pokročilý</span> portret](https://www.nahuby.sk/images/users/orthe_jan_10488.jpg?rnd_cache=1)
pardoon, ja som zabudol.....ja túto hubu náhodou poznám, jesť som ju neskúšal...
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![Janko Šuvada ml. portret](https://www.nahuby.sk/images/users/suvadaml._janko_9461.jpg?rnd_cache=1)
je to užovka hladká...
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![PhD Boris Assyov portret](https://www.nahuby.sk/images/users/boris_assyov_16532.jpg?rnd_cache=1)
Great! You almost got in her mouth ![](/images/design/smile1.gif)
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![Tomas Figura <span class="badge">pokročilý</span> portret](https://www.nahuby.sk/images/users/orthe_jan_10488.jpg?rnd_cache=1)
i got there.....i am kind of crazy, i am "testing" how (if) it hurts when snake(lizard,spider,bug or bird) bite me....i am psychopath :-D
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![PhD Boris Assyov portret](https://www.nahuby.sk/images/users/boris_assyov_16532.jpg?rnd_cache=1)
Do they bite? all the books say Coronella is extremely aggressive. I have had the chance to hold them in hand quite a number of times, and I have never felt any aggression. They are lovely animals.
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![Tomas Figura <span class="badge">pokročilý</span> portret](https://www.nahuby.sk/images/users/orthe_jan_10488.jpg?rnd_cache=1)
They are agressive only if you are annoying(and i am) :-D .....they are always trying to run away but if you are threatening her then coronella will try to eat your finger.....but it does not hurt , it is hardly possible to feel it, so i do not understand how can anybody have fear of snake in our region
here is my finger eaten by coronella OBR 158172
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Informácie o fotografii
Autor fotografie:
Tomas Figura
Čas a miesto:
13. 07. 2010, podunajská nížina
Identifikoval Tomas Figura (orthe)
Ďalšie informácie:
ID: 224845; Zverejnené: 25. 08. 2010
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