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Boris 24.10.2010 14:44

Dear friends, I am now hosting a page about the European Boletales. You can see it here:

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Tono od Cirochy pokročilý 24.10.2010 15:13

It´s very good

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Boris 24.10.2010 15:20

Thanks very much Tono, I would hope it to be helpful. There are some descriptions to be finished, especially in Xerocomus, and there are still many species without photographs, but I hope to fill those gaps soon.

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myco(DK) správca galérií, atlasár 24.10.2010 15:24

Hi Boris!
I am sure that your web site will be very helpfull for many people from nahuby.sk.
Excelent job!

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Boris 24.10.2010 15:36

Hi and thanks, I would be happy if it really does. Any suggestions are welcome.

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Ján Gmiterko pokročilý 24.10.2010 21:03

Thank you, give to your bookmarks

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Boris 26.10.2010 10:45

Thank you

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fofoja moderátor, mykológ, atlasár 24.10.2010 21:24

Nicely done, just below.

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Boris 26.10.2010 10:46

Thanks, glad you like it!

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bobineta atlasár, moderátor 24.10.2010 22:04

I live in Ireland, although I do not know English well. Your book it is amazing with work to mycology , you have possibility even collaborate with mom. What I would give for such cooperation

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Boris 26.10.2010 10:48

Thanks! It is really nice to have two mushroom lovers in the family and my mom is great. She's got a great passion in mycology.
Do you see a lot of mushrooms in Ireland? I lived for almost and year in England but I am utterly disappointed about fungi there. I haven't seen too many.

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bobineta atlasár, moderátor 26.10.2010 12:01

I'm surprised, but fungi are very few in Ireland.

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Boris 26.10.2010 12:33

In Ireland they do not have much forests, do they? Just like in England, where everything is pastures and hedges. There isn't much space for fungi to live.

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vlado(ZV) mykológ, moderátor, atlasár 25.10.2010 11:36

Nice page.

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milustek pokročilý, atlasár 25.10.2010 20:18

I like that.. too

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J.Pol. atlasár, mykológ 25.10.2010 20:51

Super stránky, jen se mě nezdá foto B. rhodopurpureus, podle fotek to bude něco jiného asi legalové.

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Boris 26.10.2010 10:53

Thank you Jiri! The photographs I have of this species are not of typical fruitbodies at all, but these are the only I have. Boletus rhodopurpureus is very rare in Bulgaria, mostly seen at the coast, which is far from where I live and I can't go there more than 3-4 times a year, so I am not always lucky to get the right season there.
I would hope later, when the site gets more popular, I would be able to enrich it with photographs of other mycologists. By the way, do you mind if I add links to some of your photographs and the paintings, these are fantastic!

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Boris 2.11.2010 10:21

Thank you once more for the notice, Jiri! The photographs of B. thodopurpureus are now updated, thanks to M. Miksik who provided an excellent set of photographs of it.

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Boris 26.10.2010 10:54

Thanks a lot, it can't measure up with Nahuby, but you are incredible myclogical community.

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Boris 26.10.2010 12:35

Thanks Vlado, there is still much work to do, but I'll try to keep it constantly updated. Now I am working to something like a visual key to the genera of boletes, but I am missing photos of many genera and the work goes slow

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maroš atlasár 26.10.2010 22:33

Really good...Teda po "našom" fasa!

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soldanelka pokročilý 31.10.2010 21:50

Hi Boris, Do you like picking up mushrooms? Your informations and pictures are very intersting and very nice, congratulations. Have a nice day.

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Boris 2.11.2010 10:22

Thanks! Yes, I am, but I am not much into eating them Strange, isn't it

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Boris 2.11.2010 10:19

Thanks to you all, friends. I would welcome any suggestions that may make the site more useful.

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drak 1.11.2010 18:14

It's useful, U don't hesitate and follow it......., the greates thing since sliced bread

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Boris 2.11.2010 10:22

Hehe, thanks, I will do my best

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m.gabris pokročilý 2.11.2010 11:14

..about starting eating them? For me, edible mushrooms are much more interresting and variable substitution for meat (of course not for everyday taking, so like meat at last) Love it! Nice web page btw.

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Boris 2.11.2010 16:55

Mushrooms are indeed very rich food, offering a source of diverse nutritional elements and of active substances including anti-tumor compounds. So, do not stop eating them

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m.gabris pokročilý 2.11.2010 17:46

Big disadvantage for me is a quite poor availability around here (I´m in Kent/UK)-takes so much time and petrol to get some :/ bad country for mushrooms!

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Boris 2.11.2010 19:50

Oh, I understand quite well then. I lived for a while in the UK. I hadn't any chance to visit Kent, but I know the country approximately from the south of Wales to south of Scotland, so the landscape is pretty much familiar. Pity that there are very few forests open to the public in the UK.

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m.gabris pokročilý 2.11.2010 23:11

true true..so hard to get used on this...good luck with your research in Bulgaria m8

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Pekosek mykológ 4.11.2010 08:23


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