História popisu - Phylloporus pelletieri
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Zmeny urobil: Paľo °
Dátum: 04.06.2021 00:37
Old Version | New Version |
1 | <b>Agaricus paradoxus</b> <b>Kalchbr.</b>, <i>Icon. Sel. Hymenomyc. Hung.</i> <b>2</b>: 27 (1874)<br><b>Agaricus pelletieri</b> <b>Lév.</b>, <i>Florule Finistère</i> (Paris): 81 (1867)<br><b>Boletus paradoxus</b> <b>(Kalchbr.) D.M. Hend.</b><br><b>Clitocybe pelletieri</b> <b>(Lév.) Gillet</b>, <i>Hyménomycètes</i> (Alençon): 170 (1874) [1878]<br><b>Flammula paradoxa</b> <b>(Kalchbr.) Sacc.</b>, <i>Syll. fung.</i> (Abellini) <b>5</b>: 810 (1887)<br><b>Paxillus pelletieri</b> <b>(Lév.) Velen.</b>, <i>České Houby</i> <b>1</b>: 356 (1920)<br><b>Phylloporus paradoxus</b> <b>(Kalchbr.) Cleland</b>, <i>Toadstools and Mushrooms and Other Larger Fungi of South Australia</i> (Adelaide) <b>1</b>: 178 (1934)<br><br><b>Phylloporus rhodoxanthus subsp. europaeus</b> <b>Singer</b>, <i>Revue Mycol.</i>, Paris <b>3</b>(4/5): 169 (1938)<br><b>Xerocomus pelletieri</b> <b>(Lév.) Bresinsky & Manfr. Binder</b>, in Bresinsky & Besl, <i>Regensb. Mykol. Schr.</i> <b>11</b>: 233 (2003) | 1 | <b>Agaricus paradoxus</b> <b>Kalchbr.</b>, <i>Icon. Sel. Hymenomyc. Hung.</i> (Budapest) <b>2</b>: 27 (1874)<br><b>Agaricus pelletieri</b> <b>Lév.</b>, <i>Florule Finistère</i> (Paris): 81 (1867)<br><b>Clitocybe pelletieri</b> <b>(Lév.) Gillet</b>, <i>Hyménomycètes</i> (Alençon): 170 (1874) [1878]<br><b>Flammula paradoxa</b> <b>(Kalchbr.) Sacc.</b>, <i>Syll. fung.</i> (Abellini) <b>5</b>: 810 (1887)<br><b>Paxillus paradoxus</b> <b>(Kalchbr.) Cooke</b>, <i>Grevillea</i> <b>5</b>(no. 33): 6 (1876)<br><b>Paxillus pelletieri</b> <b>(Lév.) Velen.</b>, <i>České Houby</i> <b>1</b>: 356 (1920)<br><b>Phylloporus paradoxus</b> <b>(Kalchbr.) Cleland</b>, <i>Toadstools and Mushrooms and Other Larger Fungi of South Australia</i> (Adelaide) <b>1</b>: 178 (1934)<br><br><b>Phylloporus rhodoxanthus subsp. europaeus</b> <b>Singer</b>, <i>Revue Mycol.</i>, Paris <b>3</b>(4/5): 169 (1938)<br><b>Xerocomus pelletieri</b> <b>(Lév.) Bresinsky & Manfr. Binder</b>, in Bresinsky & Besl, <i>Regensb. Mykol. Schr.</i> <b>11</b>: 233 (2003) |
Old Version | New Version |
1 | | 1 | 5 |
Old Version | New Version |
1 | | 1 | 100 |
Zmeny urobil: Pavel Brůžek
Dátum: 01.09.2013 15:33
Old Version | New Version |
1 | Agaricus paradoxus Kalchbr., Icon. Sel. Hymenomyc. Hung. 2: 27 (1874)
Agaricus pelletieri Lév., Florule Finistère (Paris): 81 (1867)
Boletus paradoxus (Kalchbr.) D.M. Hend.
Clitocybe pelletieri (Lév.) Gillet, Hyménomycètes (Alençon): 170 (1874)
Flammula paradoxa (Kalchbr.) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 5: 810 (1887)
Paxillus pelletieri (Lév.) Velenovsky, České Houby 1: 356 (1920)
Phylloporus paradoxus (Kalchbr.) Cleland, Toadstools and Mushrooms and Other Larger Fungi of South Australia (Adelaide) 1: 178 (1934)
Phylloporus rhodoxanthus subsp. europaeus Singer, Revue Mycol., Paris 3(4/5): 169 (1938)
Xerocomus pelletieri (Lév.) Bresinsky & Manfr. Binder, in Bresinsky & Besl, Regensb. Mykol. Schr. 11: 233 (2003) | 1 | <b>Agaricus paradoxus</b> <b>Kalchbr.</b>, <i>Icon. Sel. Hymenomyc. Hung.</i> <b>2</b>: 27 (1874)<br><b>Agaricus pelletieri</b> <b>Lév.</b>, <i>Florule Finistère</i> (Paris): 81 (1867)<br><b>Boletus paradoxus</b> <b>(Kalchbr.) D.M. Hend.</b><br><b>Clitocybe pelletieri</b> <b>(Lév.) Gillet</b>, <i>Hyménomycètes</i> (Alençon): 170 (1874) [1878]<br><b>Flammula paradoxa</b> <b>(Kalchbr.) Sacc.</b>, <i>Syll. fung.</i> (Abellini) <b>5</b>: 810 (1887)<br><b>Paxillus pelletieri</b> <b>(Lév.) Velen.</b>, <i>České Houby</i> <b>1</b>: 356 (1920)<br><b>Phylloporus paradoxus</b> <b>(Kalchbr.) Cleland</b>, <i>Toadstools and Mushrooms and Other Larger Fungi of South Australia</i> (Adelaide) <b>1</b>: 178 (1934)<br><br><b>Phylloporus rhodoxanthus subsp. europaeus</b> <b>Singer</b>, <i>Revue Mycol.</i>, Paris <b>3</b>(4/5): 169 (1938)<br><b>Xerocomus pelletieri</b> <b>(Lév.) Bresinsky & Manfr. Binder</b>, in Bresinsky & Besl, <i>Regensb. Mykol. Schr.</i> <b>11</b>: 233 (2003) |
Prelinkovanie na autoritu:
Old Version | New Version |
1 | | 1 | 183177 |
Úvodné znenie
Publikoval: Pavol Kešeľák
Dátum: 18.09.2008 09:17
lupeňopórovec hnedožltý
Phylloporus pelletieri (Lév.) Quél. (1888)
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Výskyt: VI. - X.